Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Hobbit System Montoring | Debian

Hobbit monitors your hosts, your network services, and anything else you configure it to do via extensions. Hobbit can periodically generate requests to network services - http, ftp, smtp and so on - and record if the service is responding as expected. You can also monitor local disk utilisation, logfiles and processes through the use of agents installed on the servers.
Before you install, make sure you have Apache web server installed.

apt-get install apache2

Configure /etc/apach2/sites-enabled/000-default

Example: Apache conf here.

Install hobbit packages

apt-get install hobbit hobbit-client hobbit-plugins

By default hobbit only allows connections from local host. Append the IP addresses you want to allow here in all three of the Allow from[...] lines like shown here

vi /etc/apache2/conf.d/hobbit

Allow from localhost ::1/128

In this case I have added the but you should replace it to the one on your computer

Restart apache

/etc/init.d/apache2 restart

Now you can access the hobbit monitoring console on this location http://youservername/hobbit/ (Make sure you include the trailing slash)

Client Install

apt-get install hobbit-client hobbit-plugins

Server Configuration for Client Data

vi /etc/hobbit/bb-hosts

Example bb-hosts:

Note:  Be sure to use the fully qualified name of the server along with the IP Address.  If you do not, you will not get all or any of the information desired.

If desired, you may use the local configuration file to monitor more finitely.   This also requires adding "--local" setting to FILENAMEHERE.  I found that in Ver. 4.2.0 if you must copy the hobbitd_client file from the "hobbit-server".

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