Saturday, October 3, 2009

Netra T1 Lom Commands

There are three prompts available on the Netra-t1.
ok>   -------------------- (normal prompt when the OS is not running)
lom>  -------------------- (available whether OS is running or not)
#     -------------------- (the OS prompt)

To move between the "ok>" prompt and the "lom>" prompt, type:
ok> #.      There must be less than 1 second between the "#" and "."
lom>        ------>      This is the prompt you get

Root can change this character sequence:
# lomctl 

Only the first character ("#") can be changed. You don't need
to know the previous character to do this.

To find out the current sequence do an "init 5":
# init 5
This shuts down the system and gives you the "lom>" prompt

Then to show the current two-character sequence type:
lom> show escape

To move between the "lom>" prompt and the "ok>" prompt type:
lom> console

See Infodoc 27372 for a flow chart of how to jump around between the "lom>",
"ok>" and "OS" prompts.

Some useful lom> commands are:

lom> poweron ------------- (powers on the netra)
lom> poweroff ------------ (powers off the netra)
lom> reset --------------- (the same as the ok> reset command)
lom> reset -x ------------ (resets the CPU only- externally initiated
reset XIR)
lom> break --------------- (goes to the ok> prompt from the OS- "Stop-a")
lom> environment --------- (current status of all components in system)
lom> check --------------- (updates component status after repairing it-
run "lom> environment" again)
lom> show eventlog ------- (show last 10 events on the system)
lom> set faulton --------- (turns on the fault LED)
lom> set faultoff -------- (turns off the fault LED)
lom> set alarmon [1-3] --- (sets 1 of 3 alarms on)
lom> set alarmoff [1-3] -- (sets 1 of 3 alarms off)
lom> show model ---------- (show the server model)
lom> show hostname ------- (same as uname -n)
lom> show ---------------- (help for the "show" command)
lom> help ---------------- (list of LOM commands)      
You can set the boot mode of a netra using the below "lom>" command:

lom> bootmode [-u][normal|forth|reset_nvram|diag|skip_diag]

-u      allows sharing of the console and LOM device

normal  server boots using the OBP environment settings
-must reset server to take effect

forth   server stops at the "ok>" prompt- same as "Stop-f"
-must reset server to take effect

reset_nvram -"ok> set-defaults" or "Stop-n"
-must reset server to take effect

diag    runs full POST- "ok> diag-switch? true" or "Stop-d"
-must power off server and back on within 10 minutes

skip_diag - ok> setenv diag-switch? false"
-must power off server and back on within 10 minutes

Also see related Infodocs:

27372 How do I jump to LOM prompt on the the Netra T?
26009 Installing the Netra T1 Model AC200 or DC200 from cdrom using
Solaris 8 Update 2 (10/00) or Solaris 8 Update 3 (01/01)
26310 Reinstalling Solaris 8 on the Netra X1 including LOM (Lights
out Management) packages
26667 Connecting a serial cable from a Netra T1 AC/DC200 server to
a laptop

Complete List of Commands

alarmoff n
Set alarm n off.
(Where n is 1, 2, or 3.) These three alarms are software flags. They are associated with no specific conditions but are available to be set by your own processes.
alarmon n
Set alarm n on.
(Where n is 1, 2, or 3.) These three alarms are software flags. They are associated with no specific conditions but are available to be set by your own processes.
Takes the server down to the OK prompt.
bootmode mode
Determines the behavior of the server during the boot process.
Resets monitoring to report all failures.
If a monitored component has failed, the LOMlite2 device will not continue to report the same failure. To check the status of the component, for example, after attempting to fix it, issue the check command. This updates the status of all monitored components.
The command takes you out of the LOMlite2 shell and back to the Solaris prompt. It returns control of the serial connection to the console.
Displays the temperature of the server and the status of the fans, the power supply, the over-temperature monitors, the supply rails and circuit breakers, the alarms, and the fault LED.
Sets the Fault LED to On.
Sets the Fault LED to Off.
Displays the list of LOM commands.
Displays all the events in the LOMlite2 device's Event Log.
This command is for use by named users you have set up with password access to the LOMlite2 device. It returns them to the LOM user login prompt.
Powers the server On.
Powers the server Off.
Resets the Netra T1 server.
show model
Displays the server model.
show hostname
Displays the server name (this command is equivalent to the Solaris uname -n command.
show eventlog
Displays the LOMlite2 device's event log.
The event log is the list of the last 10 events to have been stored in the LOMlite2 device. The most recent event is the one at the bottom of the list.
show escape
Displays the current LOMlite2 escape sequence.
Displays all the information available with the show command.
Adds a user to the LOMlite2 device's list of permitted users.
Deletes a user to the LOMlite2 device's list of permitted users.
usershow user
Displays the details for the LOMlite2 account user.
Sets or changes a user's password
Sets the permission levels for a named user.
Displays the version number of the LOMlite2 device.


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